The Slouchy Bunch

     Oversized sweaters and pullovers might possibly be my favorite things about fall! I love how cozy they feel, and they are most definitely versatile! I can wear them with sweatpants and boots, or I can wear them with dark skinny jeans, flats, a scarf, and a few other accessories to make them look just as stylish as any fancy sweater out there. I picked out a few simple slouchy sweaters I think can definitely be played up to be perfect for any occasion, and I especially love the yellow one from Chicnova.

     The beauty of the slouchy sweater is that it can be found anywhere! A thrift store, Forever21, any high-end boutiques. That right there is full proof that people love them! And would you believe me if I said i'm wearing one of them right now? I found a very comfortable William & Mary field hockey pullover, and I absolutely love it. It quickly became the vocal point of my current go-to outfit, which I promise to showcase in an outfit post very soon.

The Slouchy Bunch


Rory said...

LOVE the nordstrom one. Looks like you've picked some nice sweaters! Slouchy is the best kind :)
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Grace said...

I love a comfortable sweater with leggings and boots! That Chicnova one is really cute!

Meera said...

These sweaters are beautiful! I love that J. Crew one.

xoxo, Meera ♥

Paulina Mo, said...

great picks!! Totally loving these sweaters!

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